Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Here is our welcome lion on the sidewalk 

Here is the overgrown entry way

This was Shepherd's smash cake

There were monkey's hanging everywhere!!

Here are our "wild" cupcakes

Lions, Monkeys and Elephants oh my!

Shepherd's first time to taste cake & I think he liked it

Opening up presents with Nana

3 generations of McMullen's

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First Family Vacation

Well we did it!! We actually managed to take our first family vacation! We drove 2,510 miles through 7 states and had an amazing time. We had such a great time we are already planning our next adventure. Here are a few pictures from the trip!!

Shepherd loved this Lemur

Monkey see Monkey do


Shepherd really loved the beach, although you can't tell by his face on this picture.

Here we are on the Panama City Beach in Florida

Shep & Mom on Rainbow Row in Charleston

Us at Patriot's Point

Happy even after sitting in this seat for hours.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

First trip to the Aquarium

Hanging out with Mommy

This octopus was creepy

Shep had such a great time


Daddy time

It's a bad picture but I had to include it because the Manatee is my favorite.

This was our first time to see a sloth

This alligator was huge

And here is the Ocelot